Talular advocates a radical change in the way we view and utilize our locally available resources, in order to move closer to sustainable development which provides quality education for all. Talular works to collect, test, develop, illustrate and share ideas and activities, from around the world, which focus on Teaching And Learning Using Locally Available Resources.

Connecting schools and communities using mobile technologies in Malawi

In this project, we investigate the facilitation of connections among community elders, primary school teachers, and science teacher educators using mobile phone Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. blogs and wikis, instant and text messaging) to learn about sustainable agriculture in Africa. The development aspect of this project focuses on mobile devices (handheld computers and smart phones) as a primary data collection and delivery platform. Initial interviews focus on the cultural context for connecting community elders to schools. From this analysis, we are iteratively designing, implementing, and evaluating mobile and Web 2.0 technologies in a participatory manner. A participatory design approach creates a living archive of traditional and scientific knowledge related to sustainable agriculture.
Source: MMP website
Download pdf: Connecting Community Elders and Schools in Malawi Using Mobile Phones and Web 2.0 Technologies. Glasson, G.E. & Evans, M.A. (2007, September). Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education, Hawk's Nest, West Virginia.

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